Education in China
Education in China is the largest education system in the world
In June 2017, 9.4 million students took the national entrance examination to higher education in China. Investment in education accounts for about 4% of China's total GDP. In 1986, the Chinese government passed a law on compulsory education, making nine years of education compulsory for all Chinese children. Today, the Ministry of Education estimates that more than 99 per cent of school-age children have benefited from a nine-year universal basic education. In March 2017, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China announced that 442,773 international students were studying in China in 2016. International students have enrolled in more than 829 higher education institutions in China. China has a long history of education for international students studying in high schools and universities in China.
the number of international students studying abroad in China has increased significantly each year
In recent years, the number of international students studying abroad in China has increased significantly each year. The higher education sector has also grown. China has increased the proportion of its university-age population in tertiary education to more than 20% from 1.4% in 1978. At the same time, China is improving the quality of education through a major effort to reform school programs. China has a coherent system of teacher development. Teaching has always been and remains today a highly respected profession in China. Teachers have a solid preparation in their subject and future teachers spend a lot of time observing the classrooms of experienced teachers, often in schools attached to their universities. Once teachers are employed at the school, there is a system of initiation and ongoing professional development in which groups of teachers work with teachers on lesson plans and improvements. History of education in China Many Chinese scholars believe that the history of education in China dates back to the 16th century BCE. Throughout this period, education was the privilege of the elite.
Confucianism is the biggest influence in the history of education in China
Confucianism is probably the biggest influence in the history of education in China. Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese medicine has made a great contribution to the health of the Chinese for thousands of years and has become an independent medical system in the global medical field with its special clinical effect, rational theory system and rich practical experience. Project 211 and 985 Project 211 is the Chinese government's new initiative to strengthen some 100 universities and key disciplines as a national priority for the 21st century. Project 985 is a constructive project for the creation of world-class universities in the 21st century. Education Law of the People's Republic of China Adopted at the Third Session of the Eighth National People's Congress, promulgated by Ordinance No. 45 of the President of the People's Republic of China on 18 March 1995 and entered into force on 1 September 1995.
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